Ep 201: The God Dare; Be Willing to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone and Walk with God Straight Into The Impossible with Kate Battistelli

Ep 201: The God Dare; Be Willing to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone and Walk with God Straight Into The Impossible with Kate Battistelli

  • When the Lord says "this is not the life I had for you"
  • Playing it safe versus taking all that God has for you 
  • Seek advice and ask for confirmation when fear creeps in
  • The great risk in not saying yes  
  •  The reasons why people do not follow where God is leading them 
  • Growing Great Kids; Partner With God to Cultivate His Purpose in Your Child's Life
  • It doesn't have to be big. He works in the little things
  • Time gives us perspective, be patient and just know
  • Being intentional and setting aside trivial things to be in the presence of the Lord
  • The value of wisdom and love of the mother and the father in the home
  • Just because you've missed one blessing, you don't have to miss the next one.
  • The importance of marriage when it comes to individual achievement.

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